On The Run In Halifax
My wife and I got away from the kids over the long weekend (Don't ask me how...) and both ran The Bluenose International Half-Marathon in Halifax. My wife is the real athlete in the family but she got me hooked on it a couple of years ago and I can't stop now. Maybe it's because I'll burn 2,500 calories on a 21.1 kilometre run and can eat whatever I want afterwards...(C'mon...you just knew it would come down to food with me!) Anyway...It was pretty cool starting out with my wife...it was our first time running the half-marathon distance together and we got to start with about 5,000 other nuts on Sunday, May 21st right in front of the historic town clock in Halifax. I ran a personal best too...1:54:35...16 minutes off my time in The Bluenose last year (It's amazing what kind of body beer and chips can build). There's some before and after pics up above...Funny how Trish looks so much better than me after the race. You should go for a run too...I bet you catch the bug! Now we're training for Marathon By The Sea in Saint John in August...you can too...just go see our friends at The Running Room.
Thanks for listening!
Tony Smith
so I'm talking to a friend about her first half marathon..and she tells me the guy I used to work with's wife was also running the blue nose ( she knows trish because trish used to do the nubody's thing). so we're checking times to see how trish did..and holy shit by the sea.. you're name is there as well...WAY TO GO!!!!!!
Then I read you've actually done a full marathon - I am impressed beyong belief my friend.
maybe I'll see you next year. Hope all is well
deborah rent
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