Monday, October 23, 2006

Trash Talk

Monday morning we talked some trash...We wondered if you thought the new recycling rules in Greater Moncton are a hassle. Here are some links for you to check out...I think you'll agree that we've got it easy here compared to places like Halifax.



Thanks for Listening!
Tony & Shelli


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blue and Green, it’s time to start.
Separating garbage is really smart.
It may be a pain to do
but everyone is counting on you.
A healthy planet is what we need
so come on, pitch in and help it breathe.
Reduce, recycle, and separate too.
For a pleasant environment it’s the thing to do.
We take from our planet -let’s all give back.
Let’s get with the program and get on track.
So if you haven’t started yet,
Come on, separate your dry and wet.
Go Blue and Green, you’ll be happy you did it
Our children’s children will thank you for it.

10/27/2006 8:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

many hands make for light work so let all do our part!

10/27/2006 1:09 PM  

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